My car also needs immunotherapy

My third dose day was also the day I had a course of car mechanics for dummies.

I do not know if I already tell, but I will repeat just to remember, that I need to travel (by car) an hour and a half from my home to the hospital. I had a good journey to the hospital and the stay in the hospital was good. Nothing special, I usually go with no hurries to hospitals, since when we need to take care of our health we need to do it properly, so we need to be in hospitals the time we need to be, but… not more. I do not like to spend more time that I must spend in hospitals. I prepare myself each day I have a dose to spend almost 8 hours in a hospital, from 8 to 16, usually is less than that, but I know that in the worst case I will not feel but staying more time there.

This time the problem was not with the hospital, I was out of the hospital around 14.30 as usual, and the care in the hospital was perfect, as usual too. No pain and no estrange feelings due to the immunotherapy. This day I need to go fast to my working place, some place in the middle of the hospital and my home town, so I did not ask for lunch and I did not lunch after the therapy.

I arrived to my car, I entered the key and… FUCK! I was not able to start the engine of my car. The battery was dead. I needed to arrive to my working place in two hours and I had to drive one hour, what should I do? Knowing me some years ago I probably panic somehow but here turned on the patience and tranquillity that having a terminal disease give me and I start thinking. Is this really a problem?

I can pay a taxi and I can be in my working place on time, I can handle my car tomorrow. Or I can call a crane and they can help me to fix the battery and I can drive with my car… ¿does it matter if I do not arrive? ¿is not my live more important?…

In probably five minutes I was able to find more that ten solutions and think about a hundred philosophic questions to a “problem” I had. To think about immunotherapy as a possible solution to my cancer I was researching about one year, and researches to discover immunotherapy plenty of years. So this made me think about our real problems and how we consider them.

For your information they help me to fix the battery and I could drive to my working place but It happened that after my work the battery was not working and I was forced to request help again to arrive home.

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